Week in Dfinity News Nov 12, 2021

Dfinity News and Links
- @cap_ois launched on mainnet enabling token transaction history.
- @theusergeek released the first decentralized product analytics tool built on Dfinity.
- @dfinityapps index of IC apps.
- @plug_wallet integrating with CAP to show token transaction history.
- Meeting minutes from Bitcoin Developer Workshop on BTC Integration.
- Dev Update re: BTC Integration and Threshold ECDSA
- Tips for Audting IC Canister code
- A Community Fund Toggle has appeared in the NNS dapp.
- @lastmjs Released Token Typescript.
- @nnsproposalsbot on TG feed of all the latest NNS proposals.
Conversations / Analysis
- Kyle Langham article "Genesis Neuron Deep Dive" on the ICP Analysis Substack.
- @arthurfalls Internet Computer Weekly Podcast with @cloudedlogic and @evan_mcfarland guests.
- Dfinity @ NFT NYC event summary
- @houmanshadab tutorial live building without coding in @ICME.
- @dfinity Record breaking NFT sale of 3,000 ICP.
- @dfinitytoday Motoko NFT sold for 150 ICP on @Entrepotapp.
- #28713 - Add Cycle_DAO's Neuron to NNS.
- Proposal Enabling Canisters to hold ICP.
- Svelte Front End Framework for Web 3.0 is hiring
- React-Native IC Agent Bounty - Reward: 20 ICP
- IC Devs Bounty 2 - Add Generic DAO Function and Inteface to Axon
- IC Devs Bounty 4 - Create ULID Motoko Library - Reward 20 ICP
- Dfinity Foundation Job Openings
If you are an IC project hiring contact us to list your openings.
Upcoming Dates
If you are an IC project with upcoming events contact us to list them.